In this section a selection of measurement data has been collected. First a range of material specifications of absorption measurement, then some examples of marine built up simulating various fire protection division bulkhead/deck constructions where the reduction value has been measured and last a few examples of dynamic stiffness
It is necessary to stress that whenever data is to be compared, this cannot be done, without also knowing according to which standards the measurements have been done, which laboratory and not least under which circumstances (environmental conditions). Apples has to be compared to apples and oranges to oranges, so to speak. It can lead to quite bad misunderstandings, if raw dB or absorption values are uncritically used.
Absorption Measurements
Sound absorption measurements are performed in a reverbaration room according to the main requirements in ISO 354-2003
Reduction Measurements
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation has host a series of sound reduction measurements carried out by well-known test institutes, Ødegaard Danneskiold-Samsøe A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark and TÜV Nord Systems GMBH & Co., Essen, Germany.
Measurement according to ISO 10140-2:2010 and ISO 717-1:2013
Different types of steel bulkhead/deck constructions have been made and insulated with different ROCKWOOL products/solutions. Please note these test results are to be seen as example guidelines. It is important to ensure all edges and joints are made correctly, otherwise less reduction values could be seen.
Dynamic Stiffness Measurements
The dynamic stiffness is an important parameter when optimising floating floors. This is true both with respect to air- and structure-borne noise, as well as impact noise.
In principle, the dynamic stiffness should be as low as possible in order to obtain a low natural frequency of the floating floor. On the other hand, the load bearing capacity and the possible unfavourable experience of walking on a floor that is too soft may set a lower limit for the stiffness.
SeaRox SL 436 is the most common product used for floating floors. This product is produced according to specific levels of dynamic stiffness according to thickness and the static stiffness also called compression strength.