Given these well-known risks and dangers, one might ask, “Aren’t there already safeguards in place for industrial fires? Why do we need another solution for a problem that has been around for decades?”

Yes, safeguards do exist. There are several different strategies to protect equipment from damage during a fire, but not with the installation efficiency, user friendliness, ease of inspection (for optimized maintenance), and cost-savings that today’s plants require.

coatings, fireman, firefighter, walking, oil rig, fire, lapinus

These challenges prompted ROCKWOOL to develop our next-generation ProRox® stone wool insulation with FR-Tech™ (Fire Resistant Technology). ROCKWOOL has successfully leveraged the natural power of stone to develop insulation innovations for many industries. The latest offering in our ProRox line, FR-Tech products use an innovative fiber structure and chemistry to slow the transfer of a fire’s heat to steel piping—giving your people additional time to stop the spread of a fire and get to a safe location.

Don’t just take our word for it. FR-Tech materials have been tested and evaluated by internationally recognized organizations, including Intertek, SGH, and SWRI, to provide reliable fire resistance for high-temperature steam and pipe systems.

product, industrial, ProRox, FR-Tech, PS, pipe section, NA, North America, 3D image
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